Small Biz Boomer

Life Lessons for All Generations

Archive for the tag “time wasters”

How to Deal with People Who Waste Your Time and Energy

We are all familiar with the genre – Dracula,  Twilight  – all contain fictional characters who thrive on the blood of the living to sustain their lives indefinitely.  This is often done at great cost to their victims  and often death of their victims.

Unfortunately in our business dealings,  we  all too often encounter people who resemble these fictional characters.  They schedule meetings and renege constantly.   They call you for a little advice or  the name of a  business contact.  Often  they are in over their heads with clients who pay hefty sums for your(their)  counsel.   They try to get items or services  for free.  They waste your time with conversations that seem to go on for an eternity.    It’s time to stop these time sucking, energy wasting people in their tracks.  We must learn to say no to people that don’t support our business interests and want to drain our time and energy.   Just say no.

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